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What next for China and the West? • The Register

What next for China and the West? • The Register

Kettle It’s been a fairly troubling week in terms of the relationship between China and the Western world.

Chiefly, America announced stiff import tariffs on Chinese-made tech, Microsoft gave key engineering and cloud staff the opportunity to get out of China while they still can, and the UK signaled it is absolutely fed up with Beijing menacing cyber-space. (Yes, we have heard of the NSA and GCHQ.)

For this latest Kettle episode, which you can watch below, our cybersecurity editor Jessica Lyons weighed it all up, Brandon Vigliarolo discussed the bizarre case of an American nuclear missile base blocking a Chinese crypto-coin-mining operation, and Tom Claburn added his experience to the debate, hosted by Iain Thomson. The show was produced by Nicole Hemsoth Prickett.

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What next for China and the West? • The Register

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