ML applications

How to Prompt on OpenAI’s o1 Models and What’s Different From GPT-4

How to Prompt on OpenAI’s o1 Models and What’s Different From GPT-4

OpenAI’s o1 models represent a newer generation of AI, designed to be highly specialized, efficient, and capable of handling tasks more dynamically than their predecessors. While these models share similarities with GPT-4, they introduce notable distinctions in architecture, prompting capabilities, and performance. Let’s explore how to effectively prompt OpenAI’s o1 models and highlight the differences between o1 and GPT-4, drawing on insights from OpenAI’s documentation and usage guidelines.

The o1 Model Series: An Overview

The o1 model series was developed to meet the growing demand for more versatile and task-specific AI models. While the GPT-4 series laid the foundation with its generalized language understanding and generation capabilities, o1 models were designed with improvements in context handling, resource efficiency, and task flexibility.

One of the key features of the o1 models is their ability to work efficiently across different domains, including natural language processing (NLP), data extraction, summarization, and even code generation. Their architecture leverages optimizations that allow them to process complex prompts with fewer computational resources, making them ideal for various industries, from customer service automation to advanced research tasks.

How to Effectively Prompt o1 Models

When working with o1 models, prompt engineering plays a crucial role in obtaining accurate and high-quality outputs. Compared to GPT-4, the o1 models have been fine-tuned to respond more effectively to specific types of instructions and task-oriented queries. Here are some strategies to consider when crafting prompts for o1 models:

  • Be Explicit in Your Instructions

o1 models, like their GPT-4 predecessors, are designed to interpret and follow instructions. However, the o1 series is more adept at handling precise, clear prompts. For example, if you’re asking the model to summarize a technical document, you should provide explicit details regarding the level of detail and format you expect. A prompt like “Summarize this report with a focus on financial figures in bullet points” is more likely to generate the desired/expected response than a vague request such as “Summarize this report.”

Prompts that specify constraints such as word count, tone, or target audience tend to yield more refined results. For instance, if you’re generating content for a formal document, mentioning that in the prompt will help the o1 model adjust its language accordingly.

  • Leverage the Task-Specific Nature of o1 Models

One of the distinctive advantages of o1 models is their task-specific nature. OpenAI has tailored these models for various specialized applications, meaning prompts can focus on specific domains or industries. When prompting an o1 model, ensure your query taps into this task-oriented design. For example, if you’re generating code snippets, a prompt like “Write a Python function to scrape website data and store it in a CSV file” will generate a more appropriate response than a general prompt like “Write a Python function.”

o1 models also excel in tasks requiring detailed comprehension and information extraction from complex texts. Prompts like “Extract key financial metrics from the following quarterly earnings report” will showcase the o1 model’s ability to identify and isolate relevant data, especially compared to GPT-4’s broader and less targeted output.

  • Utilize Multiple Stages for Complex Outputs

While o1 models efficiently handle single tasks, complex operations often benefit from breaking down queries into multiple stages. For instance, when summarizing a large dataset or text, you can guide the model by asking for a general overview and requesting more specific details in subsequent prompts. This staged approach helps improve accuracy and clarity, preventing the model from overloading or delivering too much unnecessary information simultaneously.

For example, instead of prompting “Summarize this medical research article,” you might start with “Provide a one-sentence summary of this medical research article,” followed by “Now list the main findings in detail.” This iterative method enhances the quality of the output, a notable improvement from GPT-4’s more generalized approach to complex queries.

  • Engage Advanced Contextual Abilities

o1 models are particularly skilled at managing long context windows, allowing them to process extended conversations or documents without losing track of prior information. This capability means that prompts can include larger chunks of context while maintaining coherent responses.

To take full advantage of this feature, structure prompts that gradually build upon previous exchanges. For example, in a customer support scenario, the o1 model can be prompted with a detailed conversation history, followed by instructions such as “Based on the above conversation, draft an email response that addresses the customer’s concerns and suggests a solution.” The model’s ability to recall earlier parts of the exchange allows it to generate responses that feel more natural and context-aware than GPT-4, which may struggle with longer context windows.

Key Differences Between o1 and GPT-4

While both o1 and GPT-4 belong to OpenAI’s family of language models, users should be aware of significant differences between them.

  • Task-Specific Optimization

GPT-4 was designed as a general-purpose model with broad applicability across various tasks. This made it incredibly versatile, but at times, GPT-4 lacked the fine-tuned specificity required for certain complex tasks. In contrast, o1 models have been optimized for particular domains, meaning they excel at task-specific applications, such as legal text analysis, code generation, and medical summarization. This makes o1 models more efficient when handling focused prompts, delivering more targeted and relevant responses.

  • Enhanced Resource Efficiency

One of the standout features of o1 models is their improved resource efficiency. While GPT-4 required substantial computational resources, especially when dealing with large-scale tasks, the o1 models have been designed to be lighter and faster. This allows them to deliver results quicker and with lower costs, particularly when deployed in enterprise environments where resource optimization is critical. This enhanced efficiency also means that o1 models are better suited for environments with limited computational power, such as mobile applications or small-scale cloud deployments, where GPT-4 may need help to perform optimally.

o1 models introduce improved context handling compared to GPT-4. While GPT-4 was limited by shorter context windows, leading to potential issues when managing lengthy conversations or documents, o1 models can process longer interactions without losing coherence. This makes o1 models particularly valuable for tasks like extended customer service chats or the analysis of long documents, where maintaining context is critical to delivering accurate outputs.

  • Performance Across Domains

The o1 models offer an improved ability to handle domain-specific queries. While GPT-4 provided decent responses across most fields, o1 models are more finely tuned to excel in particular industries, such as finance, healthcare, and legal analysis. This makes them more reliable for users seeking high accuracy in specialized tasks.


OpenAI’s o1 models offer significant advancements over GPT-4 in task-specific performance, resource efficiency, and context handling. Users can extract more accurate, tailored, and efficient outputs by using clear, specific prompts and leveraging the task-oriented nature of o1 models. While GPT-4 remains a powerful tool for general purposes, the o1 models represent a new era of AI, where precision and efficiency in domain-specific applications are paramount.


How to Prompt on OpenAI’s o1 Models and What’s Different From GPT-4

Sana Hassan, a consulting intern at Marktechpost and dual-degree student at IIT Madras, is passionate about applying technology and AI to address real-world challenges. With a keen interest in solving practical problems, he brings a fresh perspective to the intersection of AI and real-life solutions.

How to Prompt on OpenAI’s o1 Models and What’s Different From GPT-4

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